Virtual Living for Seniors
By: Shernise Richardson
In the last couple of years, virtual reality has become more than a tool used to advance the gaming industry. It has introduced, to many, a new way of experiencing different parts of the world and activities such as exploring Paris or riding a horse. This type of technology has introduced a vast amount of opportunities to increase activity and form relationships throughout the world. Two weeks ago, our Project Designer attended a Sage online webinar entitled, “Virtual Reality for Seniors: From Design to Engagement,” hosted by the creators of a program called Rendever. The presentation focused on the benefits of utilizing virtual reality for seniors and how it has been used, not only for fun activities, but to combat social isolation. The system is a package of four headsets and tablet that uses a platform that is controlled by the staff. The CEO of Rendever, Kyle Rand, shared a touching story about how a resident, who was typically full of stories and joy, withdrew from being sociable and participating in activities as a result of dementia. The assisted living where she resided decided to try Rendever to virtually engage her in different activities. They chose to select a virtual room that was full of puppies that would engage and interact with her and this experience caused an automatic reaction. Immediately she was laughing, talking and full of smiles as the puppies continued their play session. After removing the headset, the resident was still fully active and communicating with the staff more than she had in a long time. This was just one of many examples that Kyle Rand shared throughout the presentation showing that the use of virtual technology does not separate us from actual reality, yet it gives us another way to connect with others and experience opportunities together.